Grantees - Great Britain

  • I


Birmingham Irish Association

Birmingham TradFest

Brent Centre for Young People, London

bthechange CIC, South West of England & Wales

Ceann Creige Hurling and Camogie Club, Glasgow

Conradh na Gaeilge Glaschú

Feith an Cheoil School of Traditional Irish Music, Enfield, N London

Fiddler of London

Friends, Families & Travellers, Brighton, Sussex

icap (Immigrant Counselling and Psychotherapy), London & Birmingham

Irish Arts Foundation, Leeds

Irish Chaplaincy

Irish Community Care, North West of England

Irish Cultural Centre, Hammersmith, London

Irish Music and Dance in London (IMDL)

John F Kennedy’s GAA Club, Leeds

Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange (Leeds GATE)

Leeds Irish Health & Homes

Liverpool Irish Centre

London Irish Centre

Luton Irish Forum

Manchester Irish Education Group

New Horizon Youth Centre, London

Solace Women’s Aid, London

The Traveller Movement, London

Tyneside Irish Cultural Society