Friends, Families & Travellers
Friends, Families & Travellers is a small, dynamic, community led charity, supporting and advocating on behalf of Gypsies, Roma & Travellers.
Using assertive outreach and community role models, it aims to help Travellers identify their health, education and cultural needs and bridge them into the services that meet their needs.
FFT also works with mainstream agencies and national policy makers to encourage fair legislation, inclusivity, community cohesion and accessible services.
We have awarded £3,000 towards the Home Club to support the salary costs of a dedicated teacher and youth worker staff who deliver a culturally sensitive on-site homework and linked holiday activities programme for young Irish Travellers across Sussex.
The Home Club provides an on-site term-time homework club and linked holiday activities to support Traveller children and their parents to access, stay and achieve in school and to manage the transition from primary to secondary school. A culturally competent qualified teacher prepares and delivers 1 homework session per week during term time and 1 linked activity per fortnight during holidays to maintain contact and allow for larger scale activities.
The Home Club has enabled FFT to build excitement around school and to allay fears – many of the children had fears and concerns about starting school in a new area. This has acted as an increased incentive to encourage children out of school to attend. The Traveller Education Teacher helps the children get to know the school staff, which makes the young people feel more confident and supported.
Home Club has resulted in more children going to school – particularly among those on the transit site who weren’t receiving any education prior to Home Club. Home Club has themed sessions including traditional Irish & Irish Traveller arts and skills, professionals help deliver themed sessions which include Irish music & dance, tin-smithing, hurling, traditional Irish cooking and oral story telling. This allows young people to learn and partake in their culture’s arts and skills through fun activities giving them a chance to celebrate their heritage.
Visit their website or discover more across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.