Our Work

The Irish Youth Foundation (UK) was established in 1989 and is the only national charity in Britain specifically aimed at helping disadvantaged young Irish people and their families.

Since its inception The Irish Youth Foundation has awarded over £5.5 million to help improve the lives and opportunities of young Irish people in the UK. Grants are awarded annually to a wide range of welfare organisations and community groups working with disadvantaged young Irish people and their families in Britain and Northern Ireland and to Irish students at colleges and universities in the UK.

As the foundation is almost entirely voluntary, the funds raised go directly to where they are most needed.

  • Supporting

    The IYF supports a wide range of projects including: help for the homeless; employment and training schemes; women and children escaping violence; young offenders; Irish Travellers; mental health; drug and alcohol rehabilitation programmes; cross-community initiatives as well as social and cultural activities encouraging young people’s awareness of their Irish heritage.

  • Grants

    Each year the IYF invites grant applications from projects all over the UK. An independent Advisory Committee, which includes a number of specialists in the sector, uses well-defined criteria to assess applications and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees.


Chairman’s Message

I am delighted to welcome you to the Irish Youth Foundation’s website. 

As Chairman, I’m extremely proud of IYF’s work over the years supporting disadvantaged young people in the UK.  

This website offers you an introduction to these diverse and vital projects from cross-community work in Northern Ireland to cultural activities in Liverpool and practical support for youth people with mental and emotional difficulties in Central London. 

Please consider signing up for our newsletter so you can be the first to hear about our celebratory events and project news.

As our foundation is almost entirely voluntary, the funds raised go directly to where they are most needed.  More information on how to donate is available here. The Irish Youth Foundation and our recipients are most grateful for all donations received. 

Thank you for taking the time. 


John Dwyer