In 2005 the Irish Youth Foundation incorporated The Lawlor Foundation and has continued its work towards the advancement of education in Northern Ireland through a programme of grants supporting disadvantaged pupils from all community backgrounds.
The Lawlor Foundation was established in 1988 by Edward and Virginia Lawlor in memory of their son, Peter.
It distributed over £2.2 million in grants to organisations working with troubled adolescents and projects underpinning the peace process in Ireland, the relief of poverty and the advancement of education in Northern Ireland.
In 2005 the Foundation merged with the Irish Youth Foundation which has continued supporting disadvantaged pupils from all community backgrounds in Northern Ireland through the Lawlor Education Grants Programme.
Grants are also awarded to individual Irish students studying at universities and colleges in the UK. Individual undergraduate students starting in Higher Education and wishing to apply for funding for the next academic year should contact Linda Tanner for an application form, from the end of June.
The maximum grant available is £500 per annum and applicants will be asked to write a personal statement giving the reasons why they qualify for financial support.
For more information please contact Linda Tanner.